High School

I'm here to spread a very important message about high school:

You know how movies always make high school seem like this mosh pit of hormones and drama?

Well it's not.

Because the main let down you're gonna come face to face with is not your boyfriend's ex or your best friend or some other stereotypical scenario.

It's group projects.

Or partner projects.

Projects that have >1 person included, that person being you individually.

Do not trust group projects.

Be prepared to do everything by yourself if you want to pass that major grade because you never know when you've hit the jackpot, the average, or the one person who just never opens google docs until the night before and decides to do absolutely nothing.

This is no man's land and it's every man for themselves here.

Technology isn't the thing that will let you down when you most need it.
It's people.
And those people—

Are your group partners.


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