
Hello again! Glad to see you have returned (or if you're new, hello! You should check out the introductory post so you can have a concept of what this blog is gonna be filled with)! Today I am sick. Well, I feel like it. I've got a headache and a constant cold wracking through my body and my coughs are starting to hurt. I hope I don't miss class; I'll end up missing an entire lesson and a mound of homework.
NONETHELESS, I am here and I am writing, and that is good enough. Oh, quick tip! If you have a headache and you'd like something soft to play in the background, you should check out "Bloom" by The Paper Kites (no I'm not sponsoring anything; it's just a very nice song).
It's very soft and it's got (or at least in my case) a very nostalgic feel to it. But that might just be because I'm emotionally attached to the song. I still recommend it though!

Who doesn't love bread? Unless you can't eat it for any reason, then I'm terribly sorry because bread is my lifeline and it is a blessing.
It doesn't really matter what type of bread it is (as long as it can actually pass as bread), I adore bread. Bread is the smell of dough filtering through the house on a chilly winter day. Bread is the countless loaves piled up into a plastic box because your mother couldn't find a bread box that suited her taste. Bread is the whole family gathered around a table spreading jam and pâté on generously sliced pieces.
Bread is a bakery far away from here in the streets of Paris as the sun creeps over the edge of buildings to greet the baker preparing their goods. Bread is a cozy cottage in the rolling countryside hidden within a small town. Bread is a home you've always had, and a home you dream to have.

If you're looking for some comparisons, then boy do I have one for you! Have you ever tried eating flour or yeast on its own? It's quite disgusting. But when you put them together along with a few more ingredients, you get bread! And I love bread. So if you pick out some kind of flaw on your body, just know that combined with the rest of you, nobody notices. It doesn't matter if you have a zit on your nose or if you're too scrawny compared to your friends. You are amazing and you are absolutely astounding! Also, I love you! You and all your flaws and troubles. I care.

Sorry I started waxing poetic over bread.
Bread just has a special place in my heart.
Even though I can't exactly bake bread (YET! I plan to practice this summer).
Speaking of baking, did you know baking is a pretty good stress reliever? It's much more satisfying to bake than to cook for me. Even if your creation comes out as a mess (which it usually does), it's still your combined effort compiled into that...lump of a disaster? But it's not about the destination. It's about the journey (hello, overused hipster quote).

Anyways, I hope you are all having a good day. I'm proud you made it to today! You're strong for having reached this point in your life.

Side note, but I have "Somebody Touched My Spaghetti" with Thomas the Tank Engine music playing on repeat in my head. Maybe that's why I have such an aggravating headache.


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